I apologize for the late arrival of this calendar, I had some technical difficulties getting this uploaded the other day. I hope you enjoy it in what we have left of the month.
Ok, so first things first, I wanna wish a belated "Happy Birthday" to fine artist,
Michael Breyette, who celebrated a birthday on the 4th. I also want to wish fetish artist,
Palanca, a 'Footastic Birthday' :) today! Later in the month, French artist,
Xavier Gicquel, has a birthday on the 20th.
Show 'em some love, Folks.
Next up will be the return of my monthly Q&A. This month is with slash art extraordinaire,
Gninrom! Yes folks, Gnin will leave his famous dimension briefly to share a lil' bout himself with us. You're in for a truly extra-dimensional treat!
Ok that's all for now folks. As you can imagine, I have a lot of catching up to do, so I'm gonna get back to it.
Until next time, know that I love Love LOVE you guys!