Avatar: The Last Airbender is probably my favorite cartoon series in my adult life. I've always been a sucker for elemental powers, so I probably would have watched it even if it wasn't great. But this cartoon was a breath of fresh air. It was original and very well written. All of the characters are entertaining and the story takes you on an imaginative adventure through a fanciful world. Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network, both, could use more cartoons like The Last Airbender.
I made a list of Asian characters I considered drawing as part of my tribute to Asian History Month and decided to Jezz up the Avatar himself as a reminder that despite the casting in the upcoming movie, Ang is as Asian as any other big eyed, Manga-ish cartoon character.
I've done more than my share of ranting about how racist it is to cast Asian and Inuit influenced characters with white actors and make the bad guys - Arab. So, I'm going to say something from a different head space. I'm hoping the Last Airbender's message about war and friendship is what influenced the casting and racial rewrites. M. Night Shyamalan doesn't have a very good record of making good movies or even thinking that deeply about them in the first place, but still I can hope. Better to hope than to walk around angry about a bad director's stupidity, hehe :)
I hope you enjoy my grown up Avatar: AAng. You will be seeing more him in my work.
Happy Hump day, folks. Have a great rest of your week.