Here's one last fan piece of Class characters for the month.
It's been a lot of fun sharing Patrick Fillion with everyone this month. Next month, I will complete the trinity of Class Comic artist with a Q&A with sex pig and artist of Demios,LOGAN.
WOO HOO!!! 100 Followers! You like me. You really like me! Hehehehe
Thank you, everyone! Thank you for the feedback and thank you for the encouragement. Thank you to all of the great artist who've participated in my Q&A. You guys have made maintaining this blog fun and something I look forward to. This blog has come a long way since I started it a lil' over a year ago. And I've learned most blogs don't last that long. SO I wanna celebrate. I'd like to take recommendations. Any ideas on what you'd like to see to mark the occasion?
We learned more about the artist. We learned about the man behind the artist. This week we get to know the perv inside the artist. Patrick Fillion shares with us what turns him on and what turns him off, his favorite position, and answers the faved questions "When does size matter" and "How big is too big."
This week's fan art was inspired by Patrick Fillion's response to which of his characters he'd rather be.
I think it'd be a lot of fun to be a felinoid, but if I had to pick one of the two, I'd be Zahn. I prefer his powers and he doesn't get ass-rammed as much as Cam. :)
More fan art next week after a sexy and concluding third load of Q&A with Patrick Fillion. Have a grrrrrrrrreat weekend, folks! xoxo Jez
This month's feature artist, Patrick Fillion, inspired a frenzy of fan art from yours truly. So, each week this month I'll be givin' you a load or two of my own ;)
I've learned Patrick and I have a ton in common. For starters, we share Storm among our favorite comic characters. Storm has been my favorite since I picked up my first X-Men book in 1990. I wanted her powers and wanted to rule a mob of people lurking in the shadows. I used to run around quoting her melodramatic lines from the 90's cartoon series like, "Storm - Mistress of the elements commands you!" or "Arrrrrtic winds, make ICE!" ok. So I still run around quoting her, but the bitch is BAD!
In spirit of sharing favorite characters with Patrick, I took the opportunity to do my favorite of his characters. Felix Himmer, aka Naked Justice, is exactly the type of hero I would be in a world of supers. I'd run around naked, cock-shocking bad guys and ass pounding studs in peril.
I'll have more fan art for ya next week after the next portion of Patrick's Q&A. Have a great weekend, folks. Jezza
YUP! Patrick Fillion, folks!!! He's done it all from a singing career and founding Class Comics to fucking backwards. I LOOOOOOOOOVE this man! It's easy to admire Patrick for his talent and ambition. In my opinion, Patrick's the hottest thing to happen to comics since Tom of Finland. He's also very easy on the eyes. But what I appreciate most about Patrick, is his HUGE pe ... rsonality! I've learned Patrick to be very down to earth and friendly. I admire how freely and genuinely he encourages other artist while balancing the strenuous job of writing, illustrating, and running a business. When I share Q&A's with you guys, I normally narrow it down to about 21 questions but I was so entertained and excited to share Patrick's responses with you, I decided to present his responses unedited. I'm sure you guys will enjoy getting to know him a lil' more just as much as I did.
I just realized I forgot to mention Jacob Mott's birthday. He prefers to keep the date private, but it's near the end of July. Strap on a big watch and him some love :)
I also just learned that artist, Ephorox, will be celebrating on the 10th. So stop by his blog and hit him up with some birthday love on the 10th.
Summer's here, Pride is in the air, and I'm workin' hard on some hot projects I can't wait to share with you guys. In the mean time, I've got a line up of Q&As you're gonna love and more fan art than ever. But before I throw you the first of those loads, take a minute to write down this month's birthdays so you can show these artist some love. Sexy mainstream artist, Phil Jimenez, celebrates another year of hotness on the 12th. So Super Duper's funny man, Brian Andersen deserves some birthday love on the 17th. And the delicious puppet-fister, Will Tyler, gains another year of yum on the 26th. Show them some love, folks.
This month's Q&A is with the one, the only, PATRICK FILLION!!! That's right! Class Comics creator, Patrick Fillion. He gave such a great load, I can't deny you a drop. It was so delicious, I'm gonna give it to you in 3 servings so you can savor his salty-sweet goodness. So check back next week and open wide.