A preview of who's to cum in future episodes of Nathan and the Adonai
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Pics from Comikaze and Bent-Con
I have uploaded the FULL gallery of pics from Comikaze and Bent-Con on my Facebook Fanpage.
Enjoy ^_^
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Hi Everybody!!!
Only 1 more sleep to Bent-Con 2013!!!
I'm just so freakin excited!!!
Bent-Con is so much more than a convention for me. It's almost a family reunion. It's the one time of year that I get to catch up with so many of the artist that I admire and now call friend. I get to meet fans and hear their direct feedback. I always leave with new friends, fans, and motivation. I learn a lot and more importantly - I have A LOT of fun!
This year is extra special because my very own comic is finally making it's debut!
I won't bore anyone with the struggles of getting to this point because if you've been following my blog for a while you'll have somewhat of an idea already, but despite how frustrating or depressing any of those struggles were, I'm grateful for them.
It's here and the joy taste all the sweeter because of all those struggles.
Allow me to share some of the lessons I've learned getting to this point...
My experience with being part of the Bent-Con Team, has revealed to me just how many amazing artist out there will allow themselves to be deterred by any obstacle.
We are our own worst enemies as artist, writers, - Creatives.
We're our own worst critics, we're harder on ourselves than anyone else, and as a result we doubt ourselves way too often. When these feelings are combined with circumstances that we have no control over, it's overwhelming. So overwhelming - that giving up will seem like the right thing to do. I've been disappointed with just how many amazing creatives I've seen who do just that.
The last 2 years have not been easy at all for me. I was pretty much past the place of self doubt and over criticizing. Those things had become ambient noise that I rely on to check myself and motivate myself to push myself out of my comfort zones. But I wasn't prepared for the onslaught of circumstances that were just out of my control.
Alpha personalities like mine don't accept the concept "It's out of my control" very easily. It's mostly a strength to a fault, but when it's a fault, though - it often makes for more stress than is necessary. Alphas will most likely try to FORCE something rather than accept and go about it another way.
If I've learned anything in the last 2 years, (and I've learned A LOT), it's just that. The fight isn't always won with stronger punches, sometimes you just gotta roll with them and strike when you can and prevail through endurance.
So, if you're a creative and theres a project you've been working on but shit just keeps happening - Keep at it!
"If you're going through hell, KEEP GOING." - Winston Churchill
That said - THANK YOU to all of the fans and followers who have stayed with me through such an "Off and On" couple of years.
The remainder of this year is gonna be a transitional one for the blog as I prep for a BIG year of celebration in 2014.
I've recently experienced some of the advantages of Tumblr and have worked out what seems to be a good plan to continue with the direction I'm taking this blog.
So, follow me on Tumblr!
There isn't much on there just yet, but you'll have the jump when I do start uploading art and interviews. In the meantime, you can enjoy the pics I post from this year's Comikaze and Bent-Con.
I'm also on Instagram and Twitter. I also have a new fanpage on Facebook that is in a very similar state as my tumblr at the moment.
Feel free to follow me on any of those and all!
While I know it's silly to think ALL of you will be at Bent-Con, I hope that all of you who will be - will stop by and say hello
...and buy my comic book LOL!
Enjoy the rest of your week, Folks!
Only 1 more sleep to Bent-Con 2013!!!
I'm just so freakin excited!!!
Bent-Con is so much more than a convention for me. It's almost a family reunion. It's the one time of year that I get to catch up with so many of the artist that I admire and now call friend. I get to meet fans and hear their direct feedback. I always leave with new friends, fans, and motivation. I learn a lot and more importantly - I have A LOT of fun!
This year is extra special because my very own comic is finally making it's debut!
I won't bore anyone with the struggles of getting to this point because if you've been following my blog for a while you'll have somewhat of an idea already, but despite how frustrating or depressing any of those struggles were, I'm grateful for them.
It's here and the joy taste all the sweeter because of all those struggles.
Allow me to share some of the lessons I've learned getting to this point...
My experience with being part of the Bent-Con Team, has revealed to me just how many amazing artist out there will allow themselves to be deterred by any obstacle.
We are our own worst enemies as artist, writers, - Creatives.
We're our own worst critics, we're harder on ourselves than anyone else, and as a result we doubt ourselves way too often. When these feelings are combined with circumstances that we have no control over, it's overwhelming. So overwhelming - that giving up will seem like the right thing to do. I've been disappointed with just how many amazing creatives I've seen who do just that.
The last 2 years have not been easy at all for me. I was pretty much past the place of self doubt and over criticizing. Those things had become ambient noise that I rely on to check myself and motivate myself to push myself out of my comfort zones. But I wasn't prepared for the onslaught of circumstances that were just out of my control.
Alpha personalities like mine don't accept the concept "It's out of my control" very easily. It's mostly a strength to a fault, but when it's a fault, though - it often makes for more stress than is necessary. Alphas will most likely try to FORCE something rather than accept and go about it another way.
If I've learned anything in the last 2 years, (and I've learned A LOT), it's just that. The fight isn't always won with stronger punches, sometimes you just gotta roll with them and strike when you can and prevail through endurance.
So, if you're a creative and theres a project you've been working on but shit just keeps happening - Keep at it!
"If you're going through hell, KEEP GOING." - Winston Churchill
That said - THANK YOU to all of the fans and followers who have stayed with me through such an "Off and On" couple of years.
The remainder of this year is gonna be a transitional one for the blog as I prep for a BIG year of celebration in 2014.
I've recently experienced some of the advantages of Tumblr and have worked out what seems to be a good plan to continue with the direction I'm taking this blog.
So, follow me on Tumblr!
There isn't much on there just yet, but you'll have the jump when I do start uploading art and interviews. In the meantime, you can enjoy the pics I post from this year's Comikaze and Bent-Con.
I'm also on Instagram and Twitter. I also have a new fanpage on Facebook that is in a very similar state as my tumblr at the moment.
Feel free to follow me on any of those and all!
While I know it's silly to think ALL of you will be at Bent-Con, I hope that all of you who will be - will stop by and say hello
...and buy my comic book LOL!
Enjoy the rest of your week, Folks!
Monday, October 28, 2013
It's Here! It's Finally Here!
It's here! It's finally here!!!
It's been a rough road and long journey but my own comic is finally making it's debut at this year's Bent-Con!
Here's the premise:
Nathan isn't your ordinary hero. Actually, he's not a hero at all - but that's not going to stop him from trying to be. Recent events have put him on his first quest to seek out a great sage renown for training some of the world's greatest heroes.
Nathan's just begun his quest and it's already been derailed. Before Nathan can get on with his quest, he has to save someone - a task littered with all of the classic hurdles that face new adventurers.
This book is just the beginning of a tale filled with magic, monsters, and lust!
I can't express how excited I am to finally be sharing it with you all!
See you at Bent-Con!
It's been a rough road and long journey but my own comic is finally making it's debut at this year's Bent-Con!
Here's the premise:
Nathan isn't your ordinary hero. Actually, he's not a hero at all - but that's not going to stop him from trying to be. Recent events have put him on his first quest to seek out a great sage renown for training some of the world's greatest heroes.
Nathan's just begun his quest and it's already been derailed. Before Nathan can get on with his quest, he has to save someone - a task littered with all of the classic hurdles that face new adventurers.
This book is just the beginning of a tale filled with magic, monsters, and lust!
I can't express how excited I am to finally be sharing it with you all!
See you at Bent-Con!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Beautiful Proposal for One of Our Own
Hey everyone!
I meant to post this a couple of days ago but time got away from me.
Those of you who are familiar with the works and talent of writer, Eric Arvin, probably already know that he recently got engaged to his boyfriend, TJ Klune.
So, I post this for the benefit of those who aren't familiar with Dreamspinner's dynamic duo or have not been given the news.
I have not physically met Eric, but ever since my interview with him a couple of years ago, I'd like to say we've become buds. Since he started dating TJ a year ago, I have enjoyed watching them geek out together and display a genuine new love for each other.
Eric and TJ, I could not be happier for the two of you and wish you a lifetime of Love, Laughter, and Orgasm.
Congratulations, Boys!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
1 Month till Bent-Con!!!
Bent-Con's comin!
Bent-Con's comin!
Bent-Con's comin!
This year's show is gonna be ROCKIN'! Bent-Con returns with a plethora of geeky creators, celebrity guest, and it's famed Costume Catwalk while adding more events that encourage more cosplay - a Dance Party and an Atlantean themed Pool Party!
If any of you are struggling to find a room, looking to carpool, or need some other kind of assistance with organizing your Bent-Con weekend - There's a Bent-Con Community Group on Facebook to help people with such dilemmas connect.
See you there!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
October 2013
Happy October Everybody!!!
It's October! - So that means two of my favorite events are approaching: Halloween & Bent-Con! Are you as excited as I am?!?!?
I've recently moved. So my return to blogging will have to wait till once I'm settled and set up. Realistically it will be after Bent-Con, but I at least have a Calendar Guy to hold you over.
Have a great Month everybody.
See you at Bent-Con!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Happy Labor Day, Everybody!
I hope everyone's had a nice weekend.
Well, I gotta admit - I'm a little surprised to still see that my blog is up. I'm sure I was low on the list for those that Google was getting rid of, but their email was so cryptic that it sounded like I was a gonner for sure.
I'm still not taking any chances. I'm still working on moving the blog, but since I am still up and I have a new computer (Yay!!!) I figured I'd give an update with another calendar guy.
I actually just got my older computer back today. I'm assured it's in working condition again, but sadly I've lost all of the data that was on it. This has been a reality I've been struggling to accept for some time now. Losing that data, means I've lost about 7 years worth of work - not an easy loss to accept.
Now you may be asking why didn't I have it backed up...well one of the primary problems I was having with the computer was that it wasn't recognizing my external hard drives or dropbox. So backing up was one of many problems that progressively presented themselves as it became harder and harder for the bloody thing to just turn on.
The damage of just how much work I've lost is still revealing itself, but I've grieved long enough. I'm back at work and have used this time away to create and RE-create a body of work that I am excited to share with you all very soon!
So stay tuned, my friends.
Until then, have a GREAT week!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
UPDATE...Goodbye, Blogger?
Hey Everybody,
I was preparing for my return to blogging when I learned that Blogger has made the decision to shut down porn blogs. Apparently they're only going after those who only "monetize," but their language is so vague that it's never elaborated on what they define as monetizing blogs so they can shut down any blog they want.
Those of you who have followed me for a while, know that I have had a very frustrating relationship with Blogger for a while now. I see this as the push I needed to explore other options.
So, my return will be delayed slightly while I explore/learn other blogging options.
In the meantime, enjoy a free comic strip I did with Class Comics!
In case I'm unable to access this blog when "The Purge" comes, please sign up for updates. I have a lot of Big revelas coming in the next couple of months you won't wanna miss!

I was preparing for my return to blogging when I learned that Blogger has made the decision to shut down porn blogs. Apparently they're only going after those who only "monetize," but their language is so vague that it's never elaborated on what they define as monetizing blogs so they can shut down any blog they want.
Those of you who have followed me for a while, know that I have had a very frustrating relationship with Blogger for a while now. I see this as the push I needed to explore other options.
So, my return will be delayed slightly while I explore/learn other blogging options.
In the meantime, enjoy a free comic strip I did with Class Comics!
In case I'm unable to access this blog when "The Purge" comes, please sign up for updates. I have a lot of Big revelas coming in the next couple of months you won't wanna miss!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013
There were so many "Blog Ending" fake-outs yesterday for April Fool's day, I waited till today to announce that I officially need a new computer.
It's gonna be a minute before I can get one. I will attempt an occasional post in the meantime, but I will not be able to keep up with my regularly scheduled post for a while.
Sorry, folks.
Any donations made to the link in the sidebar would certainly be a big help and appreciated greatly.
Until next time, Have a great week and love each other - love each other a lot :)
-Jezza Smilez
Friday, March 1, 2013
Persistant Problems...
It was the last day of February and I posted the remainder of the questions I had planned to post weekly through out the month. I can not begin to express how irritated and disappointed I am that I was not able to post them when I wanted and I wasn't able to include some of the art pieces I created to go along with them.
I am currently having some VERY frustrating problems with my computer. It's not old enough to be giving me the grief that it is. If I could afford a new one, I'd really enjoy using my current one as a piñata!
While my computer is hopefully fixed, I won't be able to post new art for a little while. Once it is, I will go back and add the missing art pieces to some of those February post.
I will hopefully be posting again very soon.
Sorry for the delay, Folks
Really wishing I had paid for more space on dropbox right now >:(
I am currently having some VERY frustrating problems with my computer. It's not old enough to be giving me the grief that it is. If I could afford a new one, I'd really enjoy using my current one as a piñata!
While my computer is hopefully fixed, I won't be able to post new art for a little while. Once it is, I will go back and add the missing art pieces to some of those February post.
I will hopefully be posting again very soon.
Sorry for the delay, Folks
Really wishing I had paid for more space on dropbox right now >:(
Thursday, February 28, 2013
What does Black History Month Mean to You?
I lived in Australia for several years. My time there allowed me a taste of what it's like to not have a Black History month. To be perfectly honest, I forgot all about it.
In Australia, The Civil War, The Civil Rights Movement, and even Obama becoming the first Black President isn't "black history," it's all part of America's history. I look forward to the day when "Black History" is told and taught along with everyone else's history in America.
The presence of a "Black History Month" or any other "Minority History Month" means that there is still an "us and them" type mentality in this country; so much so that minorities need their own history separate from the rest of America's History.
This isn't as negative as it sounds, though. It also means that America as a nation agrees that minority contributions to America's history are important enough that at least a month's recognition of them annually is necessary.
That said, here's my final question for this year's Black History Month:
Here is what some of them had to say:
In Australia, The Civil War, The Civil Rights Movement, and even Obama becoming the first Black President isn't "black history," it's all part of America's history. I look forward to the day when "Black History" is told and taught along with everyone else's history in America.
The presence of a "Black History Month" or any other "Minority History Month" means that there is still an "us and them" type mentality in this country; so much so that minorities need their own history separate from the rest of America's History.
This isn't as negative as it sounds, though. It also means that America as a nation agrees that minority contributions to America's history are important enough that at least a month's recognition of them annually is necessary.
That said, here's my final question for this year's Black History Month:
"What does Black History Month mean to you?"
Here is what some of them had to say:
Black History Month 2013: Role Models?
A cast of diverse characters allows for a diverse audience to have the opportunity to relate with any of those characters. Factors like the character's appearance and/or their situation or circumstances are among the most popular reasons someone would relate with a particular character.
This week's question is:
This week's question is:
"What black toon do you most identify with?"
When I asked this weeks question, I couldn't help but think about how I'd answer. I struggled to settle on one. I have always been obsessed with the elements, so I've "identified" with most characters with elemental powers , regardless of their race. My lightning fetish would lead most to think that toons like Storm or Black Lightning would be an obvious choice, but in reality the toon I sincerely identify most with would be Foxy Love from Drawn Together.
I can totally identify with how ghetto fabulous and slutty she can be! Haha!
Here's how some other black creatives answered the question...
I can totally identify with how ghetto fabulous and slutty she can be! Haha!
Here's how some other black creatives answered the question...
Black History Month,
Black toons,
JC Etheredge,
Jezz Loads,
Jezza Smilez,
Joe Phillips,
Lucky Sanford,
Victor Hodge,
Will O Tyler,
Black History Month 2013: STEREOTYPES - The Good, The Bad, The Truth?
I once had a conversation with an Asian friend (who has a big dick) about stereotypes and asked him, "Which do you think is worse- being black and having a small penis or being Asian with a big dick?"
The black man with a small penis will never live up to the expectations society has put on him and the Asian with a big dick will always have to prove it.
Regardless how false or exaggerated stereotypes may be, they exist for one reason or another. Some work in our favor, some do not. I, myself, measure up to many of them and yet I'm still surprised when people are shocked that I don't really care for watermelon or fried chicken or that I can swim.
This week's questions were:
What 3 stereotypes about blacks are actually true about you?
What stereotype about blacks is the most false about you?
Here is what some of the Erotic Arts black creatives had to say...
Black History Month,
Choklit daddy,
JC Etheredge,
Jezz Loads,
Jezza Smilez,
Joe Phillips,
Lucky Sanford,
Victor Hodge,
Will O Tyler,
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Happy Belated Presidents Day
Well I had planned a big presidential blog celebration for this years Presidents Day, but due to technical issues, I am now 2 weeks behind on blog post.
I will reserve the planned celebration for next year's President's Day and just share the caricature I had planned.
4 years ago, when I first started this blog, I did a toon of President Obama.
At the time, I was just getting back into illustrating and learning how to color digitally.
You can see how far I've come by comparing this one with my first attempt.
I will reserve the planned celebration for next year's President's Day and just share the caricature I had planned.
4 years ago, when I first started this blog, I did a toon of President Obama.
At the time, I was just getting back into illustrating and learning how to color digitally.
You can see how far I've come by comparing this one with my first attempt.
UPDATE: What's The Hold Up?!
Hey Everyone,
I've been having some computer problems. I think the worst has been resolved and I will resume regular posting shortly.
I've been having some computer problems. I think the worst has been resolved and I will resume regular posting shortly.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Supporting Our Cheerleader, The Dinosaur Prince
A little over two years ago when my dad died, you guys sent messages and emails full of love and support. I can not and will never be able to express how much that helped me through one of the most painful times of my life.
Yesterday The Dinosaur Prince unexpectedly lost his father. The Dinosaur Prince has been a huge support to erotic artist through patronage and promotion. I am posting this today in hope that you will rally around him and support him with the same love that you showed me when I went through such a devastating time.
In times like these, it's not easy to know what to say. When I went through it, I did not know what I wanted to hear, but anything positive was helpful to get through each day of pain.
Please take a minute to contact The Dinosaur Prince and give him any words of support or wisdom that you can offer. You can email him here.
Because I don't want this post to get overlooked, I will postpone my scheduled postings for today till tomorrow.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Boy Meets Hero - 20 years of Love and Art
That said and out of my system, this Valentine's Day serves as the perfect occasion to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the boys behind Boy Meets Hero.
The creators of Boy Meets Hero, Chayne Avery and Russell Garcia, both recently celebrated their 40th birthdays and next month will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary.
The creators of Boy Meets Hero, Chayne Avery and Russell Garcia, both recently celebrated their 40th birthdays and next month will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary.
I have to say, I have a hard time imagining being with anyone for 20 years, but seeing these two guys interact with each other certainly inspires me to try.
I have the privilege of hanging out with these guys regularly. They are a team; both romantically and professionally. They're not one of those annoying TV couples that finish each other's sentences or always bicker. Instead, they interact like best friends - an interaction that is more romantic than any of the hollywood interpretations I've ever seen.
I had to know, how do they make it work?! Here's what the two had to say when I questioned them separately...
A JezzLoads Valentine Bonus: Interviews with 3 Creative Couples Who Make Love Last Easily
I was so amped up from the Boy Meets Hero interview that I sent a few of the same questions to some other Creative couples that have been together 10 years or more.
Artist, Choklit Daddy (right), and his husband,Greg, met at a Glee Club audition at UCLA in 1975. They have been together almost 37 years and are legally married.
Patrick Fillion (left) and Robert Fraser of Class Comics were introduced through a straight friend of Fraser's. Last year they celebrated their 10th anniversary by getting married.
Here's how they separately answered some of the questions I asked them...
Artist, Choklit Daddy (right), and his husband,Greg, met at a Glee Club audition at UCLA in 1975. They have been together almost 37 years and are legally married.
Will O. Tyler of Carabosse Comics (right) and his partner, David, met on the Metro in Washington, D.C. and have been together 12 years as registered domestic partners.
![]() |
Everyone should have someone they can be silly with. |
Patrick Fillion (left) and Robert Fraser of Class Comics were introduced through a straight friend of Fraser's. Last year they celebrated their 10th anniversary by getting married.
Here's how they separately answered some of the questions I asked them...
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Black History Month Spotlight: Dr. Ravi Prince and Paris Prince
Valentine's Day is tomorrow. So I'm spotlighting the couple, Dr. Ravi Perry and Paris Prince, who were part of history last year when JET Magazine profiled their wedding in their popular "Weddings" section.
When it comes to the topic of gay marriage, the African American community has been slower than the rest of America to change their attitude about the issue. According to a Pew Research Poll from October 2011, 62% of black protestants oppose same-sex marriage.
Isn't that crazy?! Blacks more than anyone in this country should be more empathetic to the concept of equal rights for all.
I'm not gonna dwell, though. We are progressing. With the President's supportive stance on same-sex marriage, Black organizations like the NAACP have progressed to a more supportive role in favor of gay marriage while more current surveys are showing an increase in the number of blacks in support of gay marriage.
So, back to Dr. Ravi Perry and Paris Prince. As JET Magazine's first gay male couple to be celebrated, they've give a face to homosexuality in the black community. By doing so, they've inspired other black gay couples to stand openly and proud while dispelling or at least putting in perspective the destructive stereotypes of black men on the DL.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
JezzLoads Q&A with LUCKY SANFORD
Valentine's day is approaching and this month's featured Creative is single. So, you'll excuse his Grindr-esque profile card. :P
Seriously though, I learned of Lucky Sanford when we were both featured in Class Comic's Halloween special, Meaty #3. His work reveals a style that includes all of my favorite elements - cartoony, sexy, and colorful.
Here's what I learned when I got to know him better...
Monday, February 11, 2013
Black History Month Spotlight: Ru Paul
Some of the greatest achievements in progression for any oppressed group have come from the powerful influences of music, humor, and art. Entertainers have a way of challenging their audience's perspectives and presenting relatable situations. Ru Paul is one such entertainer.
Ru Paul has earned a great deal of respect from me. There are more than enough challenges in America for black gays. To embrace femininity in such an extreme way while attacking those same challenges takes balls!
Prior to Ru Paul's Drag Race, I didn't understand drag and often dismissed it as silly or unnecessary. Don't get me wrong, I would watch a drag show and be grateful for the entertainment, but I shared the same appreciation for clowns at the circus.
During the first season of his show, I found myself in awe and inspired by the artistry involved with doing drag. Around this same time, a few friends of mine "came out" to me as drag queens. I was initially shocked and a little disappointed that they felt like that was something they couldn't share with me. As often as I used to preach about how hateful and segregating the gay community can be, I learned I was displaying some of those same traits when ever I changed the subject or dismissed anything to do with drag queens.
Through his music, Ru Paul promotes positive and encouraging messages about empowerment and unity. With every season of Ru Paul's Drag Race, Ru introduces to the world to a crew of gays that don't always fit into the "comfortable" categories of gays that the world or even fellow gays are used to. Ru Paul has been a major player in giving gays a common place in any community.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
JezzLoad Quickie: How does being black influence your art - or does it?
This year, as part of my blog celebration of Black History Month, I surveyed a variety of black creatives with an assortment of questions. I will be sharing what they had to say through out the month.
This week's question:
How does being black influence your art - or does it?
It's obvious that it influences my work, but not as heavily as you might think.
When I made the commitment to become an erotic artist, I had a goal to showcase underdogs. I say underdogs because as a general category, I used the groups that tend to get dismissed more often on the online dating/hook up sites. You know - the groups covered in the "No Blacks, No Asians, No Fats, No Fems, and no one older than..." clause.
Here's how some other creatives answered today's question:
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Black History Month 2013: Changing The World Through Art, Comedy, and Porn
Today's Black History Month spotlights are on 3 Afro-Americans that made it easier for blacks to mainstream in art, comedy, and porn.
Augusta Savage:
(No - there isn't any sound to this video, but it's a lot more informative than the alternatives)
As one of the leading artist of the Harlem Renaissance, Augusta Savage's accomplishments were many. Through a lifetime of struggling, she remained an activist for equality while becoming a renowned sculptor and art teacher which would lead to her establishment of the Savage Studio of Arts and Crafts. She helped countless young African American artist and was a key player in founding the Harlem Artist's Guild. It is because of people like Augusta Savage that there would be a a Civil Rights Movement in 40 years and in 90 years black artist, like myself, would be able to create and share our work with a greater audience.
Read more about her here.
Dick Gregory:
Dick Gregory pioneered the way for black comedians and has been a huge influence on breaking barriers between race while using his comedy to voice political messages on civil rights. Dick Gregory paved the way for African American greats like Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor and President Barack Obama - Yup! President Barack Obama. Gregory has been such a zealous activist, he had the balls to attempt to run for president in 1968.
Read more about him here.
Jack Simmons:
Sean Michaels is regarded as the first African American porn "SuperStar." Try searching for the first gay porn super star and you'll end up with a bunch of open ends ...no pun intended. Seriously though, out of all of the awards given and titles handed out, it isn't clear who was the first gay black super star. So I started looking more closely at the awards given out. Jack Simmons aka Buck Stradlin, stood out among the more mainstream porn stars.
Jack started out in 1995 as Buck Stadlin and changed his name in honor of one of his predecessors, Joe Simmons. Jack is regarded as the first African-American to work for major studios, including Falcon, Titan, and All Worlds.
Mainstreaming has been a controversial task for black porn stars. While it isn't easy to get work with major studios, black and latino audiences appear to shun those that do and accuse them of being sellouts. I, personally, don't feel that way, which is why I'm spotlighting Jack today. It is because of stars like Jack Simmons and Race Cooper, blacks don't have to play stereotypical roles like prison inmates and thugs all the time. They destroy the taboo of interracial mingling and portray us as people and not forbidden objects.
Augusta Savage:
(No - there isn't any sound to this video, but it's a lot more informative than the alternatives)
As one of the leading artist of the Harlem Renaissance, Augusta Savage's accomplishments were many. Through a lifetime of struggling, she remained an activist for equality while becoming a renowned sculptor and art teacher which would lead to her establishment of the Savage Studio of Arts and Crafts. She helped countless young African American artist and was a key player in founding the Harlem Artist's Guild. It is because of people like Augusta Savage that there would be a a Civil Rights Movement in 40 years and in 90 years black artist, like myself, would be able to create and share our work with a greater audience.
Read more about her here.
Dick Gregory pioneered the way for black comedians and has been a huge influence on breaking barriers between race while using his comedy to voice political messages on civil rights. Dick Gregory paved the way for African American greats like Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor and President Barack Obama - Yup! President Barack Obama. Gregory has been such a zealous activist, he had the balls to attempt to run for president in 1968.
Read more about him here.
Jack Simmons:
Sean Michaels is regarded as the first African American porn "SuperStar." Try searching for the first gay porn super star and you'll end up with a bunch of open ends ...no pun intended. Seriously though, out of all of the awards given and titles handed out, it isn't clear who was the first gay black super star. So I started looking more closely at the awards given out. Jack Simmons aka Buck Stradlin, stood out among the more mainstream porn stars.
Jack started out in 1995 as Buck Stadlin and changed his name in honor of one of his predecessors, Joe Simmons. Jack is regarded as the first African-American to work for major studios, including Falcon, Titan, and All Worlds.
Mainstreaming has been a controversial task for black porn stars. While it isn't easy to get work with major studios, black and latino audiences appear to shun those that do and accuse them of being sellouts. I, personally, don't feel that way, which is why I'm spotlighting Jack today. It is because of stars like Jack Simmons and Race Cooper, blacks don't have to play stereotypical roles like prison inmates and thugs all the time. They destroy the taboo of interracial mingling and portray us as people and not forbidden objects.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Black History Month 2013 Kick-Off
History of Black History Month:
This is an erotic art blog. So, I'm sure you didn't come to this page looking for history lessons; unless it had something to do with sex or art maybe. Well, this Black History Month I'd like to focus on the contributions of those who have influenced just that - sex and/or art.
Before I get to those who have more direct (or current) influences on things more geek, gay, or porn, here are a couple of African Americans who need to be recognized more often.
February 2013
Nothing says "I love you" like flowers and chocolate!
Happy February, Everybody!
Here's this months Birthday Creatives:
Class Comics and DNA magazine's Leon De Leon will be 28 on the 7th
Writer, Justin Hall, turns 42 on Valentine's day (the 14th)
and blogger, Viktor Kerney aka Wonderman, will be 39 on the 16th
Ok. I have a got a MONTH of goodies in store for you!
I interviewed some of the hottest talent among African-Americans in the erotic and/or geeky arts with questions about Black History Month. I will be posting their responses weekly in what I will be calling JezzLoad Quickies.
I'll be sharing some experimental art pieces and fan art as well in celebration of the occasion.
I also have a Valentine's Day special in the works for you that you won't wanna miss.
AND - I have a JezzLoad interview with this month's spotlight creative, Lucky Sanford!
I'm packin a lot in a tight little...month.
It's gonna be great and you're gonna love it.
Have a great February, Folks!
I LOVE the new TNMT on nickelodeon! I LOVE IT!
This is the first incarnation of the series that I actually love ALL of the Turtles. Mikey has always been my favorite and remains so, but I greatly appreciate the exaggeration of each of their personalities in the new series. Donatello is adorably nerdy. Leo is a lot less uptight and more relatable; plus I love that he's a total fanboy! Raphael was always my least favorite until now. He's not just hotheaded, he's funny and we see his softer sides a lot more often. Even Master Splinter is more entertaining with a smart-ass wit.
This cartoon makes me feel like a kid again, so I had to whip out some fan art.
For those of you who were expecting or hoping for something with a lot more dick - I did ask for suggestions. :)
This is the first incarnation of the series that I actually love ALL of the Turtles. Mikey has always been my favorite and remains so, but I greatly appreciate the exaggeration of each of their personalities in the new series. Donatello is adorably nerdy. Leo is a lot less uptight and more relatable; plus I love that he's a total fanboy! Raphael was always my least favorite until now. He's not just hotheaded, he's funny and we see his softer sides a lot more often. Even Master Splinter is more entertaining with a smart-ass wit.
This cartoon makes me feel like a kid again, so I had to whip out some fan art.
For those of you who were expecting or hoping for something with a lot more dick - I did ask for suggestions. :)
Sunday, January 13, 2013
I just love it when you'e a fan of someone and when you actually meet them they prove themselves well deserving of your admiration. I had the pleasure of meeting Butch McLogic at last year's Bent-Con and he didn't disappoint.
Butch's diverse portrayals of anatomy and use of color amaze me! With each release of Tug Harder, I've grown more fascinated and inspired by his art. So, when I met him and he turned out to be this sexy, cub-ish, soft spoken sweetheart - I was in awe.
Most of the artist that I look up to turn out to be great when I meet them, So I'm not sure why I'm still surprised when another great artist turns out to be just as great a person, but I am.
Anyways, I'm sure you'll love Butch just as much after reading his interview.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
A New Year Has Cum!
Happy New Year, Everybody!!!
The following folks are celebrating a new year in more than one way this month:
- Today is Silencio's 38th birthday - Happy Birthday, Silencio!
- JC Etheredge will be 33 on the 8th
- Sean Platter advances to 51 on the 10th
- Benoît Prévot turns 45 on the 15th
- Chayne Avery will be completing his Fourth decade of life on the 21st
- PK Eiselt follows with his 36th year on the 22nd
- and BeefyBlimps celebrates his golden birthday; turning 28 on the 28th
So it's traditional for many to start the new year with resolutions. It's been years since I made New Year Resolutions, but when I did - I usually fulfilled all of them. So, I'm gonna make some resolutions this year.
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